We live in a good world that we have turned bad ... that we've all chosen to define good and evil for ourselves, and so, we all contribute to this world of broken relationships, leading to conflict and violence, and ultimately ... death.
Stop right there. In the beginning, God created a beautiful world for us to inhabit. Sin entered and ruined it for all of us. Sin has made life hard for every person born after Adam and Eve. Even though Jesus came and died on the cross to redeem us from sin, we still live in a fallen world. Life is not fair. Life is even hard, at times.
I want to highlight one phrase of the narrator's conclusion: we've all chosen to define good and evil for ourselves.
Here's where I stopped and said, "Whoa!" - this is happening today in my beloved nation of America. This is happening in our government, our society, and even in our churches. We've all chosen to define good and evil for ourselves. You may ask me to explain ... thank you .... I will.
Our society as a whole along with many liberal judges, are siding with anti-God organizations to determine what is good and what is evil. They are openly calling evil, good -- and good, evil.
Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
ABORTION: I've watched as women celebrate killing of babies in the womb. I saw government leaders cheer boldly as the legislation to murder a baby after birth. Our own legislators declare this kind of evil to be a good thing for women.
TRANSGENDERS: We now have those in authority paving a wide path for gender identity ... calling it good instead of evil. This is nothing more than rebellion against God's creation of man and woman.
ISLAM: If we stand against the idealogy (no, it is not a religion) of this war faction, we are labeled Islamophobic. Currently, we hear the war cries from some in our own Congress as they demean us for being a free nation - free from their Sharia laws. They are turning our good into their evil.
We are living in a world turned bad because people want to be like God and determine what is good and what is evil instead of following the wisdom and instruction of our Almighty Creator. Unfortunately, some people don't have the sense God gave a goose when it comes to decency and goodness. Otherwise, this nonsense wouldn't be happening. Left alone, we yield to our sinful nature and all hell breaks loose in our society.
We are being raided of righteousness, devoured of decency, and we are being drug down a barbaric road to ruin by political correctness ... led by people who are deciding to define good and evil for themselves. They can't leave their own house of hate alone. They will not rest until they spread their dung of decisions on society as a whole.
We are watching a mass mental disorder of degenerates being played out before our eyes. News channels parade babbling heads empty of knowledge ... with talking points repetitive with rancor intended to brainwash those not grounded in common sense.
We are getting exactly what we want. A good world that is turning bad, really bad. We are becoming a nation that is opposite of goodness. A country that will not be safe for our children and grandchildren.
Why are we in this battle? Because humanity is giddy with rebellion against God. The highest goal in our country is to call evil, good. One writer says it this way:
"To call evil good is practical atheism. To call good evil is practical blasphemy."
Where do we go from here? Unless we turn back to God, there is little hope. Will churches become houses of prayer once more? Will pastors once again preach hell as hot and heaven as real?
I don't know.
I do know that Jesus Christ is the answer. He is the only answer for a world turned bad.