
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Monday, July 9, 2018

When We All Get To Heaven

Do  you remember the hymn we used to sing in church:  When We All Get to Heaven?  I do, even though it's been a very l o n g time since it has been included in congregational singing.  Here's the chorus:

When we all get to heaven,
what a day of rejoicing that will be!
When we all see Jesus
we'll sing and shout the victory!

Heaven will be a surprise.  A great surprise.  One thing that will knock our socks off is the fact that Jesus Christ is preparing a place for us - and that Jesus will reward us at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

The Apostle Paul, Abraham, Moses, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and other gospel giants mentioned in the Bible had and still have an effect on our lives.  To hear about the thousands of years their names have been mentioned around the world will certainly be a surprise to them!  I'm positive they had no clue that we would be writing and talking about them in the 21st century, worldwide, and learning important lessons from their lives in Sunday School classes and using their experiences for weekly sermon material!!

When we arrive in the presence of our Savior we won't be stressed over earthly stuff,  the dishes we left in the sink, the laundry still in the dryer, the floor that didn't get mopped.....no, but we will be pleasantly surprised and ridiculously happy that we were faithful and the plan of God for our life was carried out!  We will learn the significance of our role in life.  Eternity will fully reveal our purpose on earth and the lives we affected.

What a Day of Rejoicing That Will Be!
Rejoicing is defined with these additional words:  jubilation, exultation, celebration, revelry, merrymaking... a great feeling of happiness and triumph!  A state of intense excitement!

Pleasure will permeate our soul.  Waves of peace will overtake our state of eternal bliss to the point we will certainly shout the victory!  It's done.  We have arrived!  Our joy is full of glory and it is absolutely unspeakable!   

We must keep our focus in this life.  There is an eternity with Christ to gain and besides that, our rewards for service in here will be meted out one day.  Your individual purpose is of such value that no other person can fulfill your role.  Give your all today to see God's dreams and ambitions He has planned  for you ... fulfilled!

What a Day of Rejoicing That Will Be!!  
What a Day That Will Be!

No wonder we will sing and shout the victory when we see Jesus!

Happy Eternity!!