The Tribulation Period? I Ain't Doin' it !!
Have you read the book of Revelation lately? Didn't think so. Most don't read it because they think it's too hard to understand. Some folks just forget it's end of the New Testament. And, for others, it scares them. They live in panic over every bar code, chip implant, and even the mention of the Anti-Christ. For years, we've been trying to figure out who he is - where he will come from -etc.
Another reason people don't read Revelation is because they don't intend to be here during that time... so, there's not much sense in studying events that will happen when they are gone!
Really? Well, Let me tell you. Revelation 1:3 says, " Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.
How on earth can you be blessed...and hear the words of this prophecy....and keep the commands..if you can't understand it?
I understand enough to know that the church will be Raptured and then the scene will be set for the Anti-Christ to take over and a 7 year period will follow with much devastation for those who don't take the mark of the beast - and then the second half of that period is full of the wrath of God being poured out.
The only thing for anyone to fear about the book of Revelation or any of God's Holy Word is if we do not OBEY and REPENT as we have been commanded by our Heavenly Father!
Why do I want to ignore the warnings and be left here after the Rapture?
I ain't doin' it.
Why do I want to risk staying around for those 7 years?
I ain't doin' it.
Why do I want to go through the time when Jesus opens the seals?
I ain't doin' it.
Why do I want to be here when the hail and fire mingled with blood is cast on the earth....and to watch 1/3 of the trees burn up and all the grass?
I ain't doin' it.
Why would I prefer to see the 1/3 part of the sun, moon, and stars smitten darkened?
I ain't doin' it.
Why would I want to see the sea and rivers become blood...and see men scorched with great heat as they blaspheme the name of God?
I ain't doin' it.
Why would I stay here to witness unclean, demonic spirits, the spirits of devils, go forth and gather kings of the earth to battle?
I ain't doin' it.
Why would I stay to hear about the false religions professing to serve God while worshiping and serving other gods. They enter into partnership with the philosophy of Babylon...the world system with its immorality..and political power?
I ain't doin' it.
Why would I want to be here when the false religion, in league with the world system, will persecute everyone devoted to Christ and the biblical faith?
I ain't doin' it.
No, I don't have to be here after the Rapture. This is why I love Jesus Christ. He came to earth, died on the cross for MY sins and set me free from damnation. Through faith in Him, and love for His Word, I become part of the Bride of Christ. I'm going to meet Him in the air...along with the believers who are raised from the dead at the sound of the trumpet. I give HIM glory and praise for redeeming me.
Revelation 22:20-21 He which testified these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. 21) The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
Miss His coming?
I ain't doin' it.