
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Saturday, January 13, 2018

The Tribulation? I AIN'T DOIN' IT...

The Tribulation Period?   I Ain't Doin' it !!

Have you read the book of Revelation lately?  Didn't think so.  Most don't read it because they think it's too hard to understand.  Some folks just forget it's there...at end of the New Testament.   And, for others, it scares them.  They live in panic over every bar code, chip implant, and even the mention of the Anti-Christ.  For years, we've been trying to figure out who he is - where he will come from -etc.  

Another reason people don't read Revelation is because they don't intend to be here during that time... so, there's not much sense in studying events that will happen when they are gone!

Really?  Well, Let me tell you.  Revelation 1:3 says, " Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. 

How on earth can you be blessed...and hear the words of this prophecy....and keep the commands..if you can't understand it?

I understand enough to know that the church will be Raptured and then the scene will be set for the Anti-Christ to take over and a 7 year period will follow with much devastation for those who don't take the mark of the beast - and then the second half of that period is full of the wrath of God being poured out.

The only thing for anyone to fear about the book of Revelation or any of God's Holy Word is if we do not OBEY and REPENT as we have been commanded by our Heavenly Father! 

Why do I want to ignore the warnings and be left here after the Rapture?
I ain't doin' it.

Why do I want to risk staying around for those 7 years?
I ain't doin' it.

Why do I want to go through the time when Jesus opens the seals?
I ain't doin' it.

Why do I want to be here when the hail and fire mingled with blood is cast on the earth....and to watch 1/3 of the trees burn up and all the grass?
I ain't doin' it.

Why would I prefer to see the 1/3 part of the sun, moon, and stars smitten darkened?
I ain't doin' it.

Why  would I want to see the sea and rivers become blood...and see men scorched with great heat as they blaspheme the name of God?
I ain't doin' it.

Why would I stay here to witness unclean, demonic spirits, the spirits of devils, go forth and gather kings of the earth to battle?
I ain't doin' it.

Why would I stay to hear about the false religions professing to serve God while worshiping and serving other gods.  They enter into partnership with the philosophy of Babylon...the world system with its immorality..and political power?
I ain't doin' it.

Why would I want to be here when the false religion, in league with the world system, will persecute everyone devoted to Christ and the biblical faith?
I ain't doin' it.

No,  I don't have to be here after the Rapture.  This is why I love Jesus Christ. He came to earth, died on the cross for MY sins and set me free from damnation.  Through faith in Him, and love for His Word, I become part of the Bride of Christ.  I'm going to meet Him in the air...along with the believers who are raised from the dead at the sound of the trumpet.  I give HIM glory and praise for redeeming me.  

Revelation 22:20-21  He which testified these things saith, Surely I come quickly.   Amen.  Even so, come, Lord Jesus.  21)  The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

Miss His coming?

I ain't doin' it.


Thursday, January 11, 2018


She was hindered.  Troubled. There was no crisis. No sickness.  But, she was anxious, distracted with cares!  She was actually over-occupied with cares!  There was company in the house and she felt the burden to serve them.    

" But her fault was that she grew “distracted with much serving,” so that she forgot Him and only remembered the service! She overrode her union with Christ by her service of Christ. Martha’s fault, then, was that she grew bothered."

Margaret was born in Hannibal, Missouri in 1867 and grew up just blocks from the Mississippi river.  She was a 'doer' to say the least.  I doubt the word 'cumbered' was ever applied to Maggie.    Her greatest crisis was the moment the Titanic hit an iceberg.   

Reports say that Margaret helped load others into lifeboats and was then forced to board boat six.  She and other women worked to keep spirits up....she even begged the quartermaster to go back and pick up other passengers who were yet struggling in the water.   Robert Hichens was anxious, saying: "we're going to die, no one knows we are out here, it's all over for all of us!"  It was Margaret and the other women in the lifeboat who worked together to keep the spirits up, and dispel the gloom which Hichens broadcast to the occupants of lifeboat six.   Maggie became angry with Hichens and threatened to throw him overboard!  

Hichens refused to turn around and lifeboat six never returned. They were later rescued by the Carpathia after spending many long hours in the boat.  Margaret Brown was not asked to testify at the hearing after the wreck because she was a woman. Unhindered, she wrote her own account of the event in newspapers in Denver, New York, and Paris. Later, she helped found the Tatanic Survivors Committee...and later ran for the senate (at a time when women were not even allowed to vote).  She pulled herself up by her bootstraps and made a great life for herself when it was difficult to do so. 

Unencumbered, Unhindered, Maggie:

In a letter to her daughter shortly after the Titanic sinking, she wrote:
"After being brined, salted, and pickled in mid ocean I am now high and dry...I have had flowers, letters, telegrams--people until I am befuddled.  They are petitioning Congress to give me a medal...If I must call a specialist to examine my head it is due to the title of Heroine of the Titanic."

And...in a letter to her attorney, she wired:
"Thanks for the kind thoughts.  Water was fine and swimming good.  Neptune was exceedingly kind to me and I am now high and dry."

Margaret Brown was never called Molly....that name was attached to her by Hollywood as they created The Unsinkable Molly Brown.  However, Maggie was unsinkable because of her strength!  

We are presented with many opportunities to become 'sinkable' - as Martha when she became hindered and troubled in serving her guests at the precise day that Jesus was in the house!  

Today, will I respond in strength or will I sink in anxiety?

As a temple of the Holy Spirit, with the Godhead bodily living inside me, I am Unsinkable.  In any given situation I can make the choice to be a Martha, or a Margaret.  

In the presence of Jesus I can choose to be a Mary,.  Sitting at the feet of Jesus will make me Unsinkable in any situation!

Margaret Brown with the Captain Roston of the Carpathia 
Margaret Tobin Brown died of a brain tumor on 26 October 1932, at the Barbizon Hotel in New York where she had been working with young actresses. After a simple funeral service Maggie was buried, next to J.J., in Long Island's Holy Rood Cemetery. 


Saturday, January 6, 2018

How to Ignore a Sermon in 3 Simple Steps...

Googling opens a vast world right before our eyes.  You never know what will appear on the screen.  Clicking away, I happened upon a blog written by a woman.  I was intrigued as she related her views about attending church and listening (or not) to the sermon.

I discovered from reading her rantings:  three simple steps on how to NOT listen to a sermon.

First, She thought it was USELESS to listen.

She determined ahead of time that the minister really had nothing to say that would benefit her.  Her reasoning was that the minister most assuredly was not an original thinker.  

Second, she SWITCHED OFF to what the pastor had to say.

As soon as the pastor approached the pulpit, she became dull of hearing!  In the brief time he/she walked from the chair to the pulpit....she turned her brain off to what would be spoken in the  message.  

Third,  she had UNREALISTIC expectations.

Her expectation was that in thirty minutes the minister's message should inspire her and make her act differently.  One message alone was expected to totally create a new person and change the direction of her actions or she considered it a total loss.  No doubt, very little responsibility for change rested upon her.

Now, I do remember one person making the comment that she knew more than the preacher.  While that may be true... or not ... the point is that the minister is appointed by God to deliver the Word and we owe respect to the pulpit and the Word of God.

It is the Holy Spirit who teaches us and speaks to our spirit as we listen to a message.  All guidance and direction come from Him.  The Word is living - therefore, we absorb from the Spirit more than the preacher says, actually.  THAT is the goal of any minister when the message is preached.  YOU should receive thoughts, nuggets of truth, and inspiration from the Holy Spirit as the message is going forth.  DO NOT leave it all up to the minister.

As one article stated:
The mark of a good sermon listener, is one who listens to learn and to know the truth which they are diligently seeking to confirm in Scripture.

Listening today is rivaled by the desire to be entertained.  My attitude in a worship service determines my ability to receive.  Am I hungry, thirsty, and eager to hear what God has to say?

Psalm 119:18:
Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in Your law.

1.  You are not there just to argue your opinion
2.  You are there to grow
3.  Yes, you can grow, even if you are listening to a bad sermon


Friday, January 5, 2018

Letter: What to expect after the rapture

Today after posting my blog (which I've neglected to write for way too long) I found a letter online (RaptureForums.com)  written by someone named "Cireth" in 2015.  He called it:

"This is my 'We've been raptured here's what to expect" letter.

I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I share it with you.  It just seems fitting after the blog I posted a few minutes ago titled The Most Unbelievable Event.  

The Greatest Blessing would be if ALL people were ready for the Rapture. But, we know that is not the case, considering the actions of many people today.   Well, anyway, let me share his letter now.  It's well written and something to think about.  There will be some left behind at the coming of Jesus...and they need to know what on earth/heaven happened !

Here it is:


I don't know who is reading this right now but I know that you're probably frightened and confused; grieving and angry right now. You're reading this letter because I and many thousands of other people have vanished off the face of the planet. You probably don't know what's going on but that's okay because I can tell you.

Don't be afraid because all is not lost. You have a second chance although most of the news from here on is pretty bad.

The Rapture is what's happened. The God of the Bible is real. Jesus Christ returned for all those who put their trust in Him and took us home to Heaven with Him. Before you say that that can't be because there are still Christians here that's not strictly true.

The Christians who are still here are the ones who never really put their trust in Jesus or really believed in Him. They probably do believe and are Christians now.

You've been left behind because you did not put your trust in Christ for your salvation.

Now to prove to you that what I've said is true because you probably think this is rubbish right now.

In this time of confusion and chaos, I don't know how long it will last, a man will come to power. He will seem like Jesus Christ himself. He'll seem to have all the answers and will seem to usher in peace and prosperity. Do NOT trust him. He is the Anti-Christ.

You will know who he is for certain when he signs a peace treaty with Israel for Seven Years. You won't miss this. Given the state of the middle east at the time I am writing this I know it's going to be the biggest news after the Rapture.

There is a Seven Year period called the Tribulation coming. It will begin when Anti-Christ signs the treaty with Israel. You can read about in the Bible in the Old Testament book Daniel and the last book in the Bible Revelation. 

You will no longer be able to doubt the reality of God. Read the prophecies of Revelation. You'll see them all come true as though you're reading the news in advance. Three quarters of the remaining world population will not survive the Tribulation.

So this is what you should and shouldn't do. When the Anti-Christ insists on everyone taking the Mark to buy and sell don't get it. If you take the Mark that's it. You're done; you'll spend eternity after you die in Hell. There is no turning back from taking the Mark. To do so is to declare yourself an enemy of God.

Get hold of a Bible and read it. Give your life to Jesus Christ. You know you've done wrong (sinned). There isn't a single human being in all of history who hasn't sinned. All you have to do is confess that to Him and ask Him for his forgiveness. His death on the Cross paid for all our sins.

You're going to have a tough time but he will be with you till the end whether that's your death or his return at the end of the Tribulation.

I hope to see you among my new family in Christ, in roughly seven years. God bless you and keep you.




One day soon a startling event will happen.  One that's never happened before resulting in confusion and panic in every town, village, and major city around the world.  News channels will have nonstop coverage of this event.  Every "who" will be a welcomed guest - as the "who" offers an explanation for the disappearance of people who were going about their daily lives ... moms taking care of babies, a daycare once filled with children,  office workers missing, grocery clerks gone, a church congregation lacking in attendees, and the list goes on.

This unbelievable event will be devastating to many while a victory for others.  I'm talking about a moment when people will disappear from this earth,  leaving everything behind.  


It's called the RAPTURE of the church.  Rapture means "caught away" or "caught up" and it's described in I Corinthians 15 as the catching up of the church (believers) from the earth to meet the Lord in the air.

Barbara Henderson's article titled Post Rapture Panic says:  

A chilling mood has suddenly gripped the entire world. Even the multitudes, which know nothing of the Holy Bible or Jesus Christ, are tantalized with the feeling that they have missed a Divine event. Reporters are searching to understand what has happened. Phones are ringing off their hooks with hectic callers looking for disappeared friends or loved ones. College students, still gripped with their hangover from parties the night before, are jostled with the startling news. Grandfathers, grandmothers, parents, and some friends that were very different are missing and they have left no trace of their whereabouts.

Within a short time, the reports are coming fast and furious. Cars are simply sitting at stoplights or beside the road -- still running -- but containing no trace of their drivers. Some have occupants that are stunned into a stupor because their drivers or passengers have disappeared into seemingly thin air. Many cars are involved in massive wrecks but drivers are not found in those vehicles that caused the wrecks. Several planes have crashed. Their pilots did not answer the airport towers as they veered off course and finally went down in fiery crashes. Hospitals are shorthanded because of missing nurses and doctors, while the emergency rooms are stampeded with the injured and the terrified.


1.  Jesus will come from heaven with a shout
2.  With the voice of the archangel and with the trump of God
3.  The dead in Christ will from the graves
4.  Then those of us alive, will be caught up with them
5.  We will meet the Lord in the air
6.  And we will be forever with Jesus Christ

I Thessalonians 4:16-17
"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel,and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord."


 And He keeps his Promises!     “I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also” (John 14:3)


1.  We will be visibly united with Christ
2.  We will be taken to the Father's house in heaven
3.  We will be united with loved ones who have died earlier
4.  We will be removed from all stress/distress, persecution, oppression, troubles, sickness, and pain.
5.  We will be removed from this earth - escaping the Tribulation to come.
6.  We will never be taken from the presence of the Lord.
7.  We will be with Him in heaven for all eternity.

This is our glorious hope.  This is a portion of our gospel message to the world.  Our neighbors need to hear about this Most Unbelievable Event.


 Any day now ... any moment... perhaps while you are reading this blog.

Let's all be ready!