
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Friday, September 16, 2016

DEPLORABLE DEFINED...and a Merry Christmas to you !


"causing or being a subject for censure, reproach, or disapproval; wretched; very bad:"

censure: strong or vehement expression of disapproval:

reproach: a cause or occasion of disgrace or discredit. to find fault with (a person, group, etc.); blame;

disapproval:  the act or state of disapproving; a condemnatory feeling, look, or utterance; censure:

wretched; despicable, contemptible, or mean: poor, sorry, or pitiful; worthless:

and very bad!!

NOW.  Put all of these definitions in one basket.  

Hillary has a strong dislike for people who do not support her.

We are, in her eyes, despicable, contemptible, mean, pitiful and therefore, worthless.  Worthless to her, rather.  

So, we have been condemned by her statement.  Her utterance.  Her words.


Because I will stand during the Pledge of Allegiance.
Because I think we should ALL be required to show ID in order to vote!
Because I think we should keep our doctor.
Because I don't think I should have to press 'one' for English.
Because I still identify with the gender I was born with.
Because I don't believe illegals should have free college tuition and collect a bigger check than those on social security.
Because I do not want to be swarmed with illegals who rob, rape, and steal...in our cities.
Because I do not approve of gay marriage.  
Because I stand for the Bible as it teaches righteousness.
Because I stand for marriage between one man and one woman.
Because I do not desire for Islam, Muslims, to take over our country, enforcing Sharia Law.
Because I do not approve of transgenders using the rest room with our children...
Because I believe we are created as...  a male - or - a female.
Because I am a Christian.
Because I do not approve of Socialism.
Because I am proud of my country and love to salute the flag of the United States of America...and include the words, Under God.
Because I do not approve of murdering unborn babies!!
Because I value our military and respect them.
Because I do not believe anything Hillary says.
Because I am against the liberal/Democrat anti-God leadership and values.
Because I believe in God, Jesus, His Son, and the Holy Spirit!

Thus, I am of no value, I am despicable, and a disgrace to the Democratic Party who wholly supports Hillary and ignores the crimes she has committed.  

Just put me in the basket with the rest of the Deplorables.  I will feel right at home.  

Thank you, Hillary, for letting me know just how you feel about decent, moral loving, patriotic Americans.

Oh, Yes....where can I purchase the t-shirt?

