
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Dear President Obama,

November 17, 2015

Dear President Obama,

The following steps (if you choose to accept the plan) will accomplish your intent for our country and avoid a Paris-type terrorist attack in America.  The money saved by using my plan will pay off the national debt, should you desire to do so…while allowing you to play more golf, and, as a bonus, you will be able to send Michelle and the girls on additional tax-paid vacations throughout the world.   The greatest benefit of my plan provides a non-threatening world (to government) due to voluntary submission to the powers that be (currently, ISIS).

To activate this plan you must: 

1.  SET UP military at the following locations:
            Banks, Libraries, Court Houses, and Churches

Next, the American People will voluntarily visit each establishment in compliance with the plan.

1.  Banks:  All Americans must empty savings, checking accounts, etc. at their local bank and hand cash over to the established one world bank.

2.  Libraries:  All Americans must gather every Bible and deliver them, along with all Christian materials (including CD’s, DVD’s) to the designated person at each local library.

3.  Court Houses:  All Americans must quickly confiscate guns from every home, business, and gun shop, quickly placing them at the feet of the militia assigned to their local town.  Your militia will be standing (with rifle in hand) outside the Court House.

4.  Churches:  All churches must relinquish control of buildings and assets … and immediately cease from holding services.  Church finances must be disclosed, assuring all balances are cleared and made available for government use.  Songbooks, sermon material, power-point presentations, and choir robes are to be piled in the middle of the parking lot and burned.  Altars (those that still exist) must be destroyed.

NOW, PRESIDENT OBAMA:  It will be much easier for you to establish Sharia Law (your family excluded) in America.  Islam can reign supreme.  Not to worry about social security, SSI, welfare, or healthcare, because all infidels will be slaughtered.  Population will be minimal and social restrictions unopposed. 

Life will be simple.  Enjoy.

Still a Christian and Proud to be an American:
