
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Real Voice: We The People comments

There's no better way to express the sentiments of people than to publish exact words from Americans who voted yesterday.  As Fox News (online) Headline states this morning:  


We The People commented on Sarah Palin's post.  As I read may of their comments I see the heart of America in the words of We The People.  They are crying out with decency and wanting to return America back to the way it was before Obama!  Their voices were heard yesterday in the 2014 election.  Let no party forget that We The People know how to speak up - we are watching and we know how to speak up again...especially in 2016.   

Here is an excerpt from Sarah's post: 

If GOP leadership returns to business as usual, then this majority will be short lived, for We the People say, “once bitten, twice shy.”  So, establishment types, remember that you didn’t build this! This majority that swept you into power tonight is thanks to the rank and file commonsense conservative grassroots. That’s who built it. And they expect results. They deserve the best for America. 

Now hear from The People:

Shiirley O - America is finally waking up! Amen!

Judi W - Now, roll up our sleeves and undo, and or defund, everything that has Obama's name on it. Work tirelessly for the people! I want to see my American flag on a lapel pin, I want to see religious rights restored, I want to see my flag up on the podium, not some Musim "wantabe". Send a message loud and clear that REAL CHANGE is coming and Obama and his cronies aren't going to like it. Unfortunately, the destruction he has caused in America will take years to change, years, if ever. Republicans have to be just as devoted to quick change as he was. If they don't they will become irrelevant in the future.

Tina M. - OK Boehner, your ads said you are FOR OHIANS....now show us.....Most of us are FOR closing the border and against amnesty for the illegals. Show us, by voting FOR US, fight FOR repealing Health Care, and against allowing Obama having his own way, against Congress. Speak up for US more !!!! Stop Obama from destroying our beloved nation. I agree with Sarah - the man has abused his power too many times! He should be fired, before he does more damage.

Keith C.  In the first quarter of 2015....
1. Deliver a budget
2. Give the President a bill on the Keystone Pipeline
3. Get to work on tax overhaul and put forth legislation 
4. Deal with national security if the WH won't. 
DON'T SQUANDER the chance America has given us!

Cynthia B - I'd like to see my party get back to fundamentals. Teaching our kids that when America is at her best, we are phenomenal. Our Constitution & Bill if Rights makes our country healthy & strong. We are a nation who appreciates diversity, inclusion, free speech, family values, hard work, respect for our core values & each other. We have historically guided our actions by fairness & faith. The times when we have allowed others to sway us from this path, we have seen anger, divisiveness, lawlessness & disrespect for others. We're better than what we've become lately.

People of all races, ethnicities & party affiliations all over the country just let it be known that they're not happy with the "fundamental changes" that have taken over our once proud nation, I  hope both parties & especially the media get the true message. It's all about character, not race. It's about your actions, not speeches. Change it back to before it was broken.

Mike E - The republicans #1 priority ought to be to win back the confidence of the American people. Only when they do that the next 2 years will they be able to win the WH in 2016.

Barbara D - We the people have had enough so don't take over but start over. God is first n He will lead n guide u if u ask Him. My eyes n heart is crying to see the change in NC. Enough is enough. American land that I love stand beside her n guide her. Amen. Thanks Sarah love u for the goodness in ur heart for God n our America All I can say now weeping for how our God n America has been treated is PTL. Remember ladies n gentlemen Who won start over don't take over.

Laura J - Let's return America to her people, get the Shariah junk cleared out and return our country to her people and all this no flag,no Christian public displays etc ...returned to the people! Turn back the tide and clean out the junk!

Georgina J - Let's get to work and turn Our Country around. Thank you

Rhonda R - It is an exciting time in our country! For the first time, in a very long time, I feel like we have come together as a nation. This is the change we needed, and I feel like we are on the right track again. A strong message was sent to the White House yesterday, and the time is at hand to bring our great nation back to where it once was!!

Linda M - Well said, Sarah. We the people want smaller government. May the checks and balances of our Constitutional government work. May America be a welcoming country for those who enter lawfully and may the new immigranants abide by OUR LAWS.

Jerilyn G - My thoughts ran along this line all evening and well into the night. We must be united in our conservative issues. It is not business as usual. It is time to return to the desires of the founding fathers for a nation built on biblical principles and wisdom gained from history. Do what is right, Lead . Be serious about every issue. Do not waste time. Start today to bring America back to greatness.

"Republican leadership has the opportunity to put failed programs on the table for elimination, return to regular order, put these ideas on the president’s desk and force him to explain why he opposes good policy." -Matt Kibbe, president of FreedomWorks

Amen!  Start today to bring America back to greatness 
. . . and amen.
