
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Tuesday, December 31, 2013


TODAY 12.31.13

I heard the rooster crowing in the back yard. 
Tommy was making my morning cappuccino. He says I can't make it as good as he can - and he's right.  He has his own special method which makes my usual mixture rather bland.  Well, anyway, we were standing at the kitchen window and the rooster crowed!  I informed him that I had NEVER lived where there were chickens ... a rooster crowing ... oh wait, let me add the two goats to the back yard population.  NEVER!  This is new.  But then, my marriage to Tommy is new.  My life is in a NEW season.  And it's all good.

We were married November 8, 2013.  A special Friday night.  The following Monday we boarded the plane for Belize.  By Wednesday we were on a water taxi (my first) headed to Caye Caulker for a few days!  After a week back in Belize, we flew to El Salvador for a Missionary Retreat.  THAT is a blog deserving attention all on its own!  Incredible people attended from Central America were there.  NEW for me, again.  Today finds me back in Arkansas where we attempted to put Christmas together in a short time - move a few pieces of furniture into Tommy's house in Little Rock - and create some semblance of  merging two houses of 'stuff'.  This has become a project needing to be completed this summer upon our return from Belize.

NEW is the word for the season.  Not only because of the calendar, but new because of the Lord's leading in my life.  After five years of widowhood and four years of praying for "purpose, place, people, and provision" God placed me in Tommy Carpenter's life and all four points of prayer have been answered.  My NEW season is far beyond what I could have caused to happen on my own.  I prayed often during those years for God to do something MIGHTIER for me than I could do for myself.  HE did!!

Ministering with Tommy in Belize, teaching, loving the people, and finding opportunity to work in ways that are yet to be revealed ... is my NEW season.  I'm excited about life.  I wanted to be productive.  I desired a purpose.  I didn't want my latter years to be wasted.  God heard me. 

What do you desire for your life?  Do you long for a NEW season?  God can create that season and it will be beyond anything you can ask or think. 

One week from today (January 7, 2014) we return to Belize.  I'm ready to see the precious folks I've already met and I am anxious to meet additional new friends.  It seems NEW is the word for today. 

Tomorrow begins a NEW year.  I pray it is also the beginning of a new life for you.

God bless you, richly ... and keep in touch. 