change things around
Haggai 1:1-13 God’s people were not blessed. Earlier they were in a
state of discouragement due to the Samaritans and had stopped their efforts in rebuilding
the temple, and that’s another story. At this time they were living in
nice houses while the house of God lay in ruin. They were self-seeking,
trying to survive on their own strength and yet neglecting their spiritual
life. The Kingdom didn’t come first. Therefore, everything they labored
for was perishing.
TRUTH: Opposition comes to
stop you from receiving God’s blessings!
The people were so weighed down by
the negatives of the situation that they couldn't rebuild God's temple, even though
they had permission. They were discouraged because of the opposition of the
Samaritans. This caused a sixteen year delay in rebuilding the temple and now
it was lying in ruins, yet they continued to build their homes. The temple had
a foundation, nothing more.
TRUTH: Our priorities reveal
our dedication and love for spiritual things.
He is aware that you are not
blessed! He knows seeking Him has not been a priority. He
also knows what caused your zeal for Him to diminish. God has full knowledge
of the person, event, or situation responsible for the struggle in your
life. That struggle has taken a toll on you, physically and spiritually,
until there’s no energy left to express your love for God. God knows
that…and He is merciful.
TRUTH: It is disheartening to
work hard and reap poverty!
You have worked hard to put food on
the table, pay the rent, car payment, utilities, buy clothes, and gas for the
car…rest assured in the fact that God knows how hard it is on you and your
family. He knows there’s not enough money left over at the end of the
God is love. Because of that
love, grace abounds. Grace, God’s unmerited favor, flows out of
Verse 5 - Now therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts; Consider
your ways. God tells them to consider their ways and then He
proceeds to tell them how bad their situation is! Look at verse 6.
1. You’ve worked hard and have
nothing to show for it.
2. You eat; but you don’t have
3. You drink; but you don’t
have your fill.
4. You clothe yourselves, but
you are still cold.
5. When you earn money, you’ve
only earned it in order to put the money into a bag which has holes.
TRUTH: Opposition emptied you
of all hope that things will one day be better.
Nothing has changed. Week
after week and month after month, you go to work, bring home the paycheck and
still there’s not enough. Your thoughts are filled with 'not
enough'. Guilt has taken up residence in your mind. “You aren’t good
enough. You should make more money. You aren’t smart enough.
You will never make it.” Opposition places the spotlight on you.
Opposition wants to bring you down so that you can’t have God’s
blessings. Opposition knows that with a beaten-up mentality you are less
powerful for the Kingdom.
TRUTH: When you are in
difficult situations, your life is not pleasing to God…and you are not
blessed…God comes with the answer!
Be encouraged! God sees your
situation. He knows where you are. Haggai had a word from the LORD and he
spoke that word to Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah and to Joshua, the high
priest. (verse 3-6)
TRUTH: When God gives you the
answer it will come with an assignment:
Haggai 1: 8 God sees your
situation and the answer to your situation is an assignment from
Him. An assignment from God takes you from your situation into
the state of being blessed. If the poverty listed in verse six was
important enough for the Lord to talk about, then we can believe that the
poverty points mentioned will be turned into plenty.
The assignment is to resume the work
of the Lord! The assignment is to put Him first. Until you do, he
will blow on your 'much' when you bring it home (verse
9)! Why did God do this? Because they were taking care of
themselves and ignoring His agenda! And, besides blowing on their 'much',
He also halted the dew and the fruit and then He called for a drought on the
land! God means business when He says.....Don't ignore me! When
there is a drought, nothing comes forth from our labor! Carefully
read verses 9-11.
TRUTH: Verse 13 is the
key. When God says, I am with you, your spirit will be stirred and
you will begin to work for the Kingdom and blessings will come.
Haggai 1 is a perfect example of
Matthew 6:3 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his
righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
You are weary because there has not been a stirring in your
spirit issuing from the Spirit of God. When God stirs our spirit
then hope abounds....we can see that things will become better. Energy
comes from hope.
TRUTH: God blessings are
always the opposite of negative, the opposite of lack.
Here are five opposites of the negatives
listed in verse 6:
1. There will be plenty to
show for your labor.
2. You will eat and be
3. You will drink and be
4. You will clothe yourself -
you will not be cold in winter.
5. When you earn money there
will be enough to pay your bills and some to save.
TRUTH: The Lord takes
pleasure, He is happy to see you involved in spiritual activity. He is
smiling because of the blessings that are to come upon you.
1. Look at your situation.
2. List the negatives on
3. Note the percentage of your
effort spent on survival vs. seeking the Kingdom.
4. List actions you can take
in order to turn from survival to seeking.
5. List opposites of the negatives
in your life.
Now, by faith see the blessings in
the unseen realm as coming into your natural realm. Call those things
that are not…as though they are.
Post these four words, “I am with you” (verse
13) in a prominent place. Keep Him with you.