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Would you like to experience
paradise while at work, home,
or even shopping at Wal-Mart?
You can experience heaven's benefits while in this flesh.
The thief on the cross gives the greatest example.....Jesus said to him, "Today shalt thou be with me in paradise (Luke 23:43)."
Jack VanImpe wrote the following words regarding this thief:
".....as he looked at the center cross and saw Christ, he heard an unbelievable utterance falling from the Lord's lips: Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do (Luke 23:34). The thief was startled by the love shown to such villains. It was superhuman. Because of it, he suddenly changed his mind about Christ."
The thief experienced two major changes that day:
1. His thoughts about Jesus.
2. His anticipation of a future.
When the thief changed his mind and accepted Jesus, he was assured he would experience paradise THAT DAY! The paradise which is in the third heaven....the place where Christians go when they die.
Paradise is also a term used for a place that is positive, harmonious and timeless. We often talk about finding a little bit of paradise on earth. Is it possible to turn 'where you are' into a paradise? I believe it is, at least to a degree. The next question you may ask is, How? Start inside yourself. Adopt a new attitude towards people (loving/forgiving people as Jesus did) and make a decision to love Jesus (as the thief did), we can experience a little of "heaven on earth".
Today you have the opportunity to create moments of bliss...walk on cloud nine (while on this earth). Simply surrender to Jesus Christ and make a determined choice to love others, especially the unlovable.
Reality check, here. Christians struggle, too. Not
everything about a christian's life is a bed of roses. The difference is that
Jesus Christ makes it possible (through him) to overcome the world, turning a less than
perfect place into a place of paradise. He promised us a peace that passes all
understanding. His peace in you doesn't change those around you...or
necessarily change your circumstances...but it will change the inside
of you. With Him you are more than a conqueror! The peace and presence of Jesus
inside...creates a calm - a new positive persepective...thus, creating an
anticipation for a great future, your future! Hopelessness and negativity will wane in your newly
discovered paradise.
Paradise is in you...until you are in paradise.