
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Friday, February 25, 2011


Photo by Jane

Please, always....
capitalize the "G"
when writing/typing
the Name "God"...
Keep His Name Holy.

Jews do not casually write any Name of God.  It is often written "G-d" lest the Name be disgraced permanently by printing the page.  People lacking spiritual character have used those two letters in cursing by giving our Most Holy God a last name.  It's used freely by adults.  Children listen.  If  you use God's Name for slang - your children will do the same.  Their respect for God will be just as small as yours.

There's either a lack of knowledge on the part of people or a lack of reverence, I don't know which.  Too often, His Name is carelessly typed using the lower case.  Lower case "g" is used when referring to idols...people...man-made gods.  God's Names, in all of their forms, are treated with enormous respect and reverence in Judaism.  Have we already forgotten Matthew 6:9?     "After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed (Kept Holy) be thy name."

I realize folks mean no harm - but taking time to hold down the shift key in order to capitalize the letter "G" should be done out of respect and reverence to the Godhead...just as you would capitalize "Jesus" or "Holy Spirit".  We've become lazy and disrespectful of His Name.  It's used freely as a curse word....a slang word..and most used often in expressing amazement...."My _ _ _ "....Where did we lose our awe and love for the Name of God?  He is still the great I AM....Lord God Jehovah...El Shaddai, the Almighty!  People, let's keep His Name Holy!!

The commandment not to erase or deface the name of God comes from Deut. 12:3. In that passage, the people are commanded that when they take over the promised land, they should destroy all things related to the idolatrous religions of that region, and should utterly destroy the names of the local deities. Immediately afterwards, we are commanded not to do the same to our God. From this, the rabbis inferred that we are commanded not to destroy any holy thing, and not to erase or deface a Name of God.

It is worth noting that this prohibition against erasing or defacing Names of God applies only to Names that are written in some kind of permanent form, and recent rabbinical decisions have held that writing on a computer is not a permanent form, thus it is not a violation to type God's Name into a computer and then backspace over it or cut and paste it, or copy and delete files with God's Name in them. However, once you print the document out, it becomes a permanent form. That is why observant Jews avoid writing a Name of God on web sites like this one or in newsgroup messages: because there is a risk that someone else will print it out and deface it.
Normally, we avoid writing the Name by substituting letters or syllables, for example, writing "G-d" instead of "God." In addition, the number 15, which would ordinarily be written in Hebrew as Yod-Hei (10-5), is normally written as Teit-Vav (9-6), because Yod-Hei is a Name.

I suppose we all have our pet peeves and this is one that bothers me most. Keep the Name Holy, folks.  Just Keep it Holy.  God is all we have.  Let's not ruin His Name.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I enjoy watching American Idol.  The talent is exceptional this year.  The contestants experience a wide range of emotions...from tears to anger, or sometimes great excitement.  Tonight started the process of narrowing the final number down to twenty-four.  America gets involved in this.  We become acquainted with the individuals and as they perform weekly we soon choose our favorite, the 'one' deserving to be the next American Idol.  That's fun. 

America loves entertainment.  Men and women exhibit great acting skills by moving and speaking in a precise manner at the right moment...for a particular impact on the audience.  Recording artists excel with vocals.  Musicians make the world go 'round.  Authors provide hours of reading pleasure. 

But:  One thing I've learned in life - everyone has talent.  Never judge a book by its cover and never underestimate a person's ability to perform.  Some of the most talented folks I've ever met shine brilliantly when they enter the kitchen and rattle those pots and pans.  Cooking, sewing, carpentry, administration, teaching, mechanics....there's no end to the talent inside people.

Where would we be without people who used their talents and abilities to enrich our life...they've helped us over and over.  Thank God we have each other.  God has been good to us.  When you think you have nothing to offer...look again.  You've been a source of encouragement more than you know.  Eternity alone will reveal moments when you touched a life.  For example: when you helped someone fix a flat tire...the time you cooked a meal for a family in need...or simply spoke a word of kindness just at the time it was needed.

The least appreciated effort must certainly include those whom we (in the church world) refer to as prayer warriors.  Unseen, unrecognized, they are the internal combustion engine that propels the ship through deep waters - they are as fuel to a rocket engine.  These people had an inner desire and God-given ability to put one knee down, then the other...and they stayed there until they were spent in prayer.  That's a gift, also.
Thank God for placing gifts in men/women.  You have a lot to offer.  You have a gift. It's in there.  You are a person of worth. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Celebrate To Motivate

It's Thursday, February 17, 2011.  My how time flies...whether you're having fun or not!  It's beautiful outside.  The sun is shinning.  I'm just finishing my morning cup of cappuccino and wondering how to get motivated for the day.  Have you noticed:  there's always more to do than we can possibly accomplish in one day.  We work 'till we drop and the next day there's just as much on our 'to-do' list.  FYI:  You will never get it all done.  Each day has it's demands.  The real daily issue is motivation.

I read (somewhere) that if you read positive motivational quotes to encourage and empower yourself. You will start feeling better of yourself.  Obviously, if you feel better about yourself you will get it done, pull it off, nail it....you will achieve ...achieve  means 'to bring to a successful conclusion'  and accomplish  means 'to perform fully'. 

Your energy level rises as your outlook on life increases.  That's a fact.  If you feel defeated, sluggish, or unhappy with life, raise/improve the mental image of who you are and what you can do. 

Jim Rohn - The guy says, "When you work where I work, by the time you get home, it's late. You've got to have a bite to eat, watch a little TV, relax and get to bed. You can't sit up half the night planning, planning, planning." And he's the same guy who is behind on his car payment!

John Lubbock - A day of worry is more exhausting than a day of work.

Dale Carnegie - Are you bored with life? Then throw yourself into some work you believe in with all your heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find happiness that you had thought could never be yours.

Denis Waitley - The results you achieve will be in direct proportion to the effort you apply.

David wrote in Psalm 42:5  "Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul? Why are you crying the blues? Fix my eyes on God— soon I'll be praising again. He puts a smile on my face. He's my God.

You must have a sense of success at the end of the day. 


Psalm 118:24 "This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." This portion from the message Bible reads: This is the very day God acted—let's celebrate and be festive! Salvation now, God. Salvation now! Oh yes, God - a free and full life!

Celebrating increases motivation. You will never celebrate if you wait until you feel like it.  Choose to celebrate!   The Lord made this day and...because He gave me life on this day that He made...I have the right to celebrate! If God acted on this day - I should act, too!

Celebrate: to observe a day or commemorate an event
with ceremonies or festivities -
glorify, honor, applaud, commend. 

The Lord created the day - but it's up to us to rejoice in the day.  Wrap your mind around the fact that you have the choice to rejoice.  Celebrate on purpose. Celebrate something, even if it is small!   Allow yourself to live!  Give yourself permission to have a good life.  The more you exert control over the day - the more reason you find to live.  Celebrate...and you will discover more reason to celebrate.

We have this motivational thing backward!  Publications and qualified speakers inspire us to be motivated in order to accomplish.  They are accomplished motivators!  But...when the session is concluded, the class disbanded, you are home, and life returns to 'normal' - motivation ceases.  Why?  Because there's no action on your part to determine the day.  External motivation alone is short-lived.   God made the day - He acted.  We have a day - we should act. Your action is faith in motion.  That's power.  Rejoice.  Celebrate.

Celebration leads to Motivation!  God is right, as usual.

Celebrate...to Motivate

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Story of a Sage and a Prince

Boredom launched my online search for funny stories.  I stumbled on a web site for children.  I wanted to share this one.  It's a children's story with a great lesson for all ages.  I think you will like it.


A sage presented a prince with a set of three small dolls. The prince was not amused.

"Am I a girl that you give me dolls?" he asked.
"This is a gift for a future king," said the man. "If you look carefully, you'll see a hole in the ear of each doll."

The sage handed him a piece of string.
"Pass it through each doll," he said.
Intrigued, the prince picked up the first doll and put the string into the ear.
It came out from the other ear.
"This is one type of person," said the man. "Whatever you tell him, comes out from the other ear. He doesn't retain anything."

The prince put the string into the second doll. It came out from the mouth.
"This is the second type of person," said the man. "Whatever you tell him, he tells everybody else."
The prince picked up the third doll and repeated the process. The string did not reappear from anywhere else.

"This is the third type of person," said the man. "Whatever you tell him is locked up within him. It never comes out."

"What is the best type of person?" asked the prince.

The man handed him a fourth doll, in answer.
When the prince put the string into the doll, it came out from the other ear.
"Do it again," said the sage. The prince repeated the process. This time the string came out from the mouth. When he put the string in a third time, it did not come out at all.

"This is the best type of person," said the sage. "To be trustworthy, a man must know when not to listen, when to remain silent and when to speak out."

Thursday, February 10, 2011

THE 7th MAN !

Never underestimate the presence, power, or purpose of Jesus Christ.  To be honest, I am thrilled to tell you that Jesus cannot be restrained by our religious legalism or finite perceptions of Who He is - What He can do or Where He can go.  I am excited to tell you that Jesus can and will do that which He has resolved to do.  He does not ask for my permission as He connects with humanity, calling the least likely, anointing the unlovable, showing up when we least expect it...He just IS and WILL be in control.   I am grateful beyond measure that there is a 'just' God in Heaven! 

The Word tells of encounters between Jesus and people...when they least expected it.  One of my favorites is the woman at the well, found in John 4.  Jesus told his disciples: I need to go through Samaria.   They arrived at a well.  Jesus sat there while He sent the disciples into town to buy food.  A woman came to draw water from that same well.  She didn't know Jesus.  She wasn't expecting a face-to-face conversation with the Son of God!  She was a Samaritan. Jesus asked her for a cup of water.  Now, Jews didn't share a cup with a Samaritan! Especially with a woman whose life had little value.  She was despised, had an abusive past, a rejected person, a person at her wit's end...and even worse, she was a woman scorned by society...and to think, Jesus was waiting for her! 

This is what I'm trying to relate about Jesus!  He makes appointments with rejected, hurting people and He doesn't wait for an RSVP.  Knowing everything about this woman's life...Jesus deliberately traveled to the exact location...at the exact time, knowing she would be there.  And...He arrived ahead of her!  This unnamed woman didn't know how to be spiritual...she only perceived the natural world.  She didn't know how to make this spiritual moment happen!  She was just doing what she did every day.  Just doing life.  Nothing more. 

Another point:  He sent the men away for food.  She would not have been comfortable around them, after all, they were Jewish.  She would have been less approachable had they remained.  That which could not have happened in the presence of several...did happen in the presence of the One.  Jesus will clear the room, if necessary, in order to have a private talk with you.  He protected her. He knew she was fragile.  Oh, that we could see the frail, thin thread holding a life together, rather than focusing on the external marks of sin.  He didn't slam her with condemnation for her past nor did he look down on her.  He spoke to her as a loving father.

In the middle east when you ask for something, you've just lowered yourself.  Jesus lowered Himself... as with the woman caught in adultery...He stooped.  You can't 'stoop' and appear self-righteous at the same time.  Jesus is all about life-change.  It is Kingly...to place the need in a life above the pride of who we are...or...who we think we are!  The conversation at the well provided Jesus opportunity to transform a fleshly focused woman.  Through spiritual enlightenment she gained a revelation of the identity of the Son of God!

I so appreciate the extreme love shown by Jesus for humanity.   When I don't understand / He explains.  When I am not spiritual / He doesn't avoid me.  When I have pain / He heals.  When I don't have a clue about how to meet him / He just arranges an appointment and waits for me to show up.  When I don't know what to say / He initiates the conversation.

Conclusion:  Jesus told the woman at the well that she'd had five husbands...and the man she was living with was not her husband. Do the math.  Her life became whole, transformed, enlightened, and her shame turned to boldness, after a conversation, a face-to-face meeting (which she didn't arrange) with the Son of God - - -

Oh, by the way,  "7" is God's Number of Completion! 

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Buzzard Food

...not a vulture...NOON, 2/5/11

The two of us were enjoying the pool's warm water and soaking in the sun's rays.  A few other people were there.  One lady was stretched out in a lounge located in the opposite corner of the pool area, sunbathing.  Suddenly, vultures or buzzards flew overhead.  At least three birds continued to cruise...circling the air space above our heads.  Not good.  Big birds.  Not good.  They resembled the vultures or buzzards portrayed in western movies...those you see circling above a carcass. 

We watched.  And kept watching.  I was a little bothered!   I'd always heard there was something dead nearby whenever buzzards kept circling - and they were getting ready to enjoy dinner.  I find it strange that while flying so far up in the air they can still spot something not moving on the ground.   Their eyesight must be incredible.  Two or three of these big black birds were hanging around a little too long for comfort...my comfort! 

I saw no reason for these birds to do their thing at the pool...we were alive and moving!  Only the lady in the lounge chair at the far end was not moving.  I named her "The Still Lady."  By this time I made a wise decision: keep moving.  Look alive!   I read that vultures usually don't kill their prey and they seldom attack healthy animals, but they will often kill the wounded or sick.  I couldn't help but relate this to something spiritual.

Titus 1:16  They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

Here's a gross fact (as though you needed to know): Vultures urinate straight down their legs; the uric acid kills bacteria accumulated from walking through carcasses. I told you it was gross !! How disgusting is the enemy! The enemy of our soul is beyond disgusting! He is putrid. He is repugnant. Disgusting.

Spiritual inactivity results in a lifeless condition.  It's dangerous to appear as road kill.  Road kill invites vultures.  Prolonged hopelessness, guilt...can eat away at a healthy Christian until they become spiritually sick.  Alive, but paralyzed.  The enemy walks (or flys in this case) to and fro, seeking whom he may devour...his eyes lock on the sickness...he flys to the atmosphere of helplessness...circles overhead, watching and waiting for the disease of dispair to weaken his prey...patiently soaring, knowing his moment to move in and devour (1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:).  John 10:10 tells us that the thief comes to where we are with the purpose to destroy us.  He has no other interest.

- a little man in a red suit with horns/pitchfork. 
- your friend.
- providing a people party in hell, complete with trays of treats. 

Jesus came to give abundant life - the kind of life which shows the world that we are alive while living. Maybe you need to become active - move - go forward - let your speech be positive - look alive! You deserve to live and you have a right to love living. Jesus is for you. He wants you to renew your strength and soar like an eagle. Look Alive! Could it be that you've become lethargic...and the enemy is soaring above you...waiting for you to weaken?

John 10:10  "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."  As the Message Bible says:  I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.

Remember:  You are not road kill.  You are valuable to God.  You may have problems, but you are still 'alive' and you can defeat the enemy and continually rejoice in the knowledge of who you are in Christ.  Jesus overcame the world.  Victory awaits you.  If life has made it impossible for you to pursue your profession - then you can began to pursue your dream.  You must not lie down in defeat.  God will make a way when and where there seems to be no way!

Sometime later (at the pool) I looked for "The Still Lady" at the other end of the pool and she was gone.  All of a sudden a huge buzzard flew close overhead.  I figured it was time to leave.  And I did.  After all, I have things to do!!
